
Recommended Warm Up (15 Minutes):

400m Run

2 Rounds:

1:00 Bike

10 Power Cleans (empty bar)

10 Pull Ups (Jumping pull ups if needed)


In a Team of 3, 25 Minute AMRAP:

Partner 1: Max Calorie Assault Bike

Partner 2: 10 Power Cleans (135/95#)

10 Muscle Ups

Partner 3: Rest


*In a team of 3.  Rotate on the Power Clean/ Muscle Up station.  No more than 3 sets on the muscle ups.  The sub for muscle ups is burpee pull ups.  The cleans should be something you can move fast through.  Most teams got 5-6 rounds in.  Score is the total number of calories.  You can sub any machine for the bike!


Skill Work