
Recommended Warm Up (15 Minutes):

400m Run

10 Push /ups

10 Strict Press (empty Barbell)

10 Push Press (empty Barbell)

400m Run

-Stretch as a class-


4 Rounds for Time:

400m Run

15 Push Press @ 75% Bodyweight


*This took anywhere between 12-22 minutes for people.  Pick a weight so that you don’t do more than 3 sets per round.  You should be able to get a minimum of 5 reps in a set, but hopefully more.  Try to recover on the run.


Cash Out:

3-4 Sets for Quality

5 Weighted Strict Pull Ups

50’ Handstand Walk OR :45 Handstand Hold OR 1:00 Plank Hold

25 Ab Mat Sit Ups


*You should have 15-20 minutes at the end of class to work through this.  Do strict pull ups even if you have to use a band.


Skill Work