February's Member of the Month!


We are pleased to announce that Jackie is CrossFit Athlete’s Arena’s Member of the Month for February 2016!

Jackie’s strengths and gains have been nothing short of remarkable. She’s a beaming example of positivity. With every class she attends, Jackie spends time and works hard to improve as an athlete and commits to learning new skills and to be the best version of herself she can be. Even on the days with the toughest workouts, she works hard to complete the WOD and is always there to lend support to fellow CrossFitters. She goes the extra mile to help build our CrossFit community. Jackie is a pleasure to coach and we appreciate the opportunity to work with her and watch her grow in her CrossFit journey.

As this month’s Member of the Month is being honored during the CrossFit Open, it seems fitting that we choose someone whose 16.1 performance was outstanding! I think we all can agree that Jackie is a strong woman, especially after her 16.1 performance!

Congratulations, Jackie! As a token of our appreciate and for being Member of the Month, you will get a free pair of customized CrossFit Athlete’s Arena wrist wraps when they come in next week. Keep up the hard work!