The CrossFit Total Produced A Lot of PRs!

A few weeks ago, CrossFit Athlete’s Arena’s members perform the CrossFit Total WOD and many of our members PRd their back squat, strict press and deadlift. We had so many that they would not fit on the whiteboard and we had to bring out the ole’ spiral notebook to keep track of these personal records!


   Back Squat                      Strict Press                Deadlift

Drew                                            265lbs

Ben                                               335lbs                                 165lbs                               425lbs

Branham                                                                                  135lbs                               335lbs

Bryson                                        210lbs                                  100lbs                              240lbs

Amanda                                      140lbs                                  90lbs                                175lbs

Cat                                                                                                                                       130lbs

Jamison                                      400lbs                                 220lbs                             455lbs

Kenley                                                                                      205lbs    

Shane                                                                                       215lbs

Alec                                                                                          145lbs                               295lbs

Jackie                                        210lbs                                  85lbs                                 225lbs

Rachel                                       210lbs                                  90lbs                                 255lbs


Congratulations to all of our members! Keep up the hard work!