CrossFit Member of the Month


CrossFit Athlete’s Arena’s first member of the month starts this year! Although Brandon Liles was officially the first member of the month many, many moons ago (h/t to Brandon) we have officially started this highlighted monthly event in 2016!

Who is it going to be, you ask? It’s going to be someone that sets a perfect example for the way dedication and commitment can lead to results. It will be someone who has put extraordinary effort into his or her fitness. It will be someone who our CAA members aspire to follow in their training. This person will be some of the glue that binds the community we have at CrossFit Athlete’s Arena!

It’s a toss-up on who the January 2016 Member on who the Month will be because we have the best members in town. This month is not over yet, but someone has to win so make a commitment to train hard and inspire!