
The focus today is on breathing.  Here is what I went over at the start of class:



-Shoulders back

-Head up

-Look forward



-Belly breathing (Breathe through your diaphragm, not your chest)

-In through nose, Out through mouth

-Breathing Tempo

-Breathe in for 3 steps, breathe out for 3 steps


Here is a good video to watch:


Warm Up (15 minutes):

20/15 Calorie Bike

400m Run

-Stretch as a group-


2 Rounds for Time, With a Partner:

100/80 Calorie assault bike (seated or row)

1 Mile Run

Rest 3 Minutes


*Allow 35 minutes for this.  Took between 25-35 minutes.  Share the bike calories . Run the mile solo.  Don’t run to your partners pace. Once BOTH partners are finished their first mile, rest 3 minutes and repeat.  Work on breathing today!


Skill Work