
Recommended Warm Up (12-15 Minutes):

250m row

10 Shoulder Rolls (pvc)

20 Banded Rows

250m row

10 Shoulder Rolls (pvc)

15 Push Ups

250m row

10 Shoulder Rolls (pvc)

10 Strict Pull Ups/ Ring Rows



“Strict Lynne”

5 Rounds of Max Reps:

Bench Press (1x Bodyweight/ .75x Bodyweight)

Strict Pull Ups


*This workout is not for time.  Try to start a new around every 5-6 minutes.  This workout should take a good 25 minutes.  If you are doing true max effort sets, you will need the rest.  Pick a weight for the bench and bands if needed to get a MINIMUM of 10 reps on your first set for each!  That doesn’t mean stop at 10… if you can get 20 reps, get 20 reps!  Make sure you have a spotter when benching.  Score is your total number of bench and pull up reps.


Skill Work