
Recommended Warm Up (5 Minutes):

1 Minute Row

1 Minute Bike

1 Minute Ski


20 Minute AMRAP, With a Partner:

100/80 Calorie Bike Erg

100/80 Calorie Row

100/80 Calorie Ski

*Most teams got 1 round plus an extra machine!  I recommend alternating in quick sets of 10 calories back and forth with your partner.  If you don’t have any of these machines, you can sub 100 burpees or 3x200m Run each!

3 Rounds for Quality:

15 Deadlifts (225/155#)

20 V-Ups

50’ Handstand Walk (:30 Handstand Hold/ :45 Plank Hold)

*You should have about 15 minutes at the end of class for this!


For Time:

Max L-Sit Hold

*Pick an option of an L-Sit that you can hold for a minimum of :10, but hopefully a little longer.  Use parallettes if you have them, if not, you can use two 20” boxes.  When using Parallettes, try putting a 454# plate under your heels to keep your feet above.  From there you can try it with no plate.  You can also do a tuck hold (I call them “h-Sits” lol) with your knees bent and held higher than your hips.  Record your time for this.  A good goal for this would be to hold for about :10 longer!  We will be incorporating extra core work into our workouts and cash outs this month.  Time to get everybody a 6-pack!

Skill Work