Our whiteboard was getting a lot of action last week with the recording of new deadlift PRs! There’s no doubt that the CrossFitters at CrossFit Athlete’s Arena work hard each and every week to improve!
Congratulations to our members who hit new PRs with their deadlifts last week! Check out the videos for Bryson and his mom, Amanda It’s great when families workout together. It leads to accountability, encouragement and understanding and it’s awesome to see a family motivate each other and celebrate PRs together. Very proud of this family for making family fitness a priority!
Brandon 185lbs.
Kristen 135lbs.
Alison 130lbs.
The deadlift is one of the most powerful physique-building Olympic lifts and it requires full body strength. It targets your hamstrings, glutes, lower back and core muscles. It’s a great lift to add to any workout or WOD.
Congratulations to all of our CrossFit members who hit a new PR on their deadlifts last week. Your hard work is paying off!