
Recommended Warm Up (10 Minutes)

500m Row

2 Rounds:

10 Shoulder Rolls (pvc)

10 Tempo Strict Press (empty bar)(3 sec on the way down)

10 Banded Rows


For Time:


Bar Facing Burpees

Toes to Bar

*Complete this with a partner for time EXCEPT you are going to alternate rounds 1:1. You do 21/21 then your partner does 21/21, back and forth down to 9/9 each.  One partner working at a time.  Allow 20 minutes for this!

Scaling Options:

Toes to Bar  Work on maintaining your kip getting your toes as high as you can.


Strict Press (20 Minutes)


*Work up in weight each set finishing with a good heavy single for the day.  Do 4 weighted strict pull ups after each set.  If regular pull ups are hard enough get 4 good reps there or use a band!  You can also do 1 pegboard if you have them in your gym!

Skill Work