Recommended Warm Up (15 Minutes):
800m Jog
10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Wall Ball
10 Push Ups
With a Partner, For Time:
800m Run (Together)
100 Wall Ball (20/14#)
100 Toes to Bar
100 Burpees
*Wit a Partner. Run at the same time. If you get back before your partner, you can start on the wall ball. Only one partner works at a time on the wb/ttb/burpees.
Scaling Options:
Toes to Bar or Knees to Chest or V-Ups
Dumbbell Floor Press
Inverted Row
*Superset these two movements for a cash out with your last 10-15 minutes of class. You can do them all the same weight or work up in weight each set. For the floor press, just like dumbbell bench press but you are on the floor. Control the weights down, tap your triceps to the floor and then press with speed!