
Recommended Warm Up (15 Minutes):

3 Rounds of 10 Easy pulls on a rower and 10 Hard pulls on a rower (20 pulls total)

1. 15 Shoulder Rolls (pvc)

2. 15 Overhead Squats (pvc)

3. 15 Kip Swings 

*Do 1 exercise after each time on the rower.


Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes:

20/15 Calorie Row

15 Toes to Bar

10 Overhead Squats (135/95#)

*Stagger the start by 1:30 if you have more people than rowers.  The OHS need to be unbroken so pick that weight accordingly.  Work on kipping and getting your toes as close to the bar as possible if you can’t do true toes to bar.


4 Rounds for Quality (15-20 Minutes)

50’ Handstand Walk

:30 L-Sit Hold

15 Inverted Rows

*Do this after the workout.  

Skill Work