
Dynamic Flexibility


For Time:


Overhead Squats (135/95#)

50 Double Unders

Rest 3-5 Minutes


Overhead Squats (135/95#)

Toes to Bar

*These both should be FAST workouts.  The OHS MUST be unbroken every set!  If you fail to go unbroken on the first workout, drop weight for the second workout.  


Movement of the Month RETEST!

Max L-Sit Hold

*Re-Test!  Try to beat your time from the beginning of the month!


Overhead Squat (20 Minutes)

1 RM

*This is our new MOVEMENT OF THE MONTH!  We will be working on mobility and overhead positioning.  We are coming off doing back squats and then core, so this should be a good movement to focus on already having work on those two elements. Go from the rack.  I recommend a push jerk or split jerk to get the weight overhead.

Skill Work