The New York Times reports that a new analysis of data from a large national study has found that carrying fat around the middle greatly raises the risk of heart disease and death, even for those of normal weight.
Belly fat around the middle is linked to a variety of health problems, from type 2 diabetes to high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. While we would like to waive a magical wand to make the belly fat disappear, there is no magical solution to tackling belly fat other than learning to eat healthy (cutting calories, avoiding processed foods and eating more plants, whole grains and nuts) and getting physically active.
At CrossFit Athlete’s Arena, we can help you lose your “Beer Belly” or the belly fat around the middle and motivate and support you as you make healthy eating and fitness a priority. CrossFit is a great way to lose weight and have FUN!
Give us a call at 803.750.9036 or email and join TODAY!