It’s that time again! It’s time to announce the Member of the Month and for the month of April 2016 we are proud to nominate Kenley Loftis!
While Kenley has been dealing with unpleasantness (a knee injury that occurred when he flipped his RCV), he doesn’t do what most people do: give up or stop coming to the gym. Instead, he decided to trudge on doing CrossFit and begin physical therapy.
As we all know, Kenley is not content to be just sweaty. He wants to collapse into a heap on the floor and empty his energy tank at the end of a workout. Kenley’s internal competition is always on. He is always motivated. He is always pushing himself against his previous “Fran” time. Yes, Kenley’s love for CrossFit shows – he is righteously ripped. Because of Kenley’s knee injury, our CAA coaches adjust the WOD and movements to accommodate his injury and his physical boundaries. He uses good judgment and common sense to avoid aggravating his injury and is quick to give feedback so further modifications can be made. Working together, coaches and athletes can make good choices to prevent further injury.
Kenley is part of our Community without a doubt. He greets everyone that walks into the gym and is always unbelievably positive. Those positive vibes impact his workout and all aspect of his fellow CrossFitters’ workouts. He is a big part of the reason the community aspect of CrossFit Athlete’s Arena works, and we are glad his wife Meg has joined our Community too!
Thank you Kenley for not giving up and trudging on. We love your positive vibes. We love seeing you empty your tank at the end of a workout because we know you gave 110%.
Congratulations Kenley Loftis on being nominated April 2016 CrossFit Athlete’s Arena’s Member of the Month!